Interpersonal Communication Skills Workshop
Major advances in technology have diminished our natural ability to communicate effectively. Attending this interactive, participative workshop identifies our own behavioural style and teaches us how to more effectively relate to others. It also teaches new, flexible approaches to reduce conflict and create rapport. And it’s fun!
The outcomes are as follows:
Emotional Expression Questionaire
Do we tend to internalise or externalise our emotions when interacting with others? Are we over or under reacting? We explore simple techniques to find the balance, develop self – awareness and improve our emotional intelligence.
Assertion Tendency Questionaire
Does our approach to others tend to be more dominant or diplomatic? We learn to find the appropriate balance between assertion and aggression. We identify techniques to say no without offending and ways to display empathy when required.
Style Group Identification
Our Style Group (behavioural style) arises from combining our position on the Emotion scale with that on the Assertion scale. We plot ourselves on the “Behaviour Quadrant” and explore the fascinating group dynamics with our colleagues.
Strengths and Weaknesses
We work with others to uncover and discuss the inherent strengths and weaknesses of firstly our Style Group and then the other three. We determine which of our personal weaknesses could be worked on. Strategies are adopted to utilize our strengths more effectively.
We analyse the causes of conflict and how to stop it from occurring. We also practice the resolution of conflict utilizing various tools such as Active Listening, Confrontive I Messages and Behavioural Flexibility when relating to other Style Groups.
Appropriate behaviours to ensure effective communication and improved relationships with people in all four Style Groups. We conclude with skills practise, group feedback and follow up plan for back at the office.