Say What??? Rediscover the lost art of Communication

One of the biggest challenges facing organisations today is the lack of regular, relevant, clear and concise interpersonal communication. The conundrum is that never before in human history have we had such a mind boggling variety of communication tools to use. They range from open plan office layouts to email, sms, skype cellphone, instant chat, messaging, facebook and twitter, to name but a few.

So where is the disconnect? And how do we fix it – quickly?

The presentation will give you powerful tools to immediately improve your personal, team, divisional and organisational communication performance.

During this highly interactive presentation, Mark will:

  1. Provide fascinating and hilarious examples of miscommunication.
  2. Explain HOW and WHY it goes wrong.
  3. Introduce you to the Cycle of Communication.
  4. Outline the 4 Key Components of Successful Interpersonal Communication – ASKING, LISTENING, TELLING and REFLECTING.
  5. Invite the audience to practise these 4 Components during the presentation.
  6. Introduce the System of STRUCTURED COMMUNICATION sessions to ensure that regular, concise and relevant messages flow between individuals, teams and departments.
  7. Share 4 vital techniques to ensure that MEETINGS become shorter, less boring, more effective and highly productive.
  8. Provide a checklist to ensure that the new skills will be applied back at the workplace.
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Motivational Speaking

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